Posts tagged 'asphalt'
- May 22, 2019: Decalog
- September 22, 2017: The European Union at the end: a chronicle
- September 12, 2017: Things that interest me; things that don't interest me
- April 2, 2017: The generative model of computing
- March 12, 2017: A declaration of war on the HTTP of Shit
- March 5, 2017: The July Theses, translated and annotated
- November 26, 2016: Deșteaptă-te, române!: The dissection of a national anthem
- August 22, 2016: Freedom is Slavery, or how and why everything costs: On the pitfalls of doublespoken equality.
- August 7, 2016: On the future of computing hardware
- April 24, 2016: Ok, I was wrong, it seems that Google is indeed "making you stupid"
- April 9, 2016: Academic hogwash: an empirical study thereof: In which we analyze the circular motivations behind academic publishing. Probably a rehash of some other essay, but it's ok to do it nowadays.
- March 12, 2016: When the law does more harm than good, or an exercise in independent thought
- February 14, 2016: On the failure of marketing (and civilization in general)
- December 19, 2015: Europe at the end of 2015: a chronicle: A second piece of synthetic journalism.
- May 3, 2015: Humanity's informational archive™
- February 14, 2015: With our balls clean: Or how Homo sapiens survived in the dark ages of the first personal computers.
- February 7, 2015: The inevitable transition back into religiousness
- January 2, 2015: Your worth to humanity: A thought experiment on the Renaissance man.
- November 16, 2014: On the inherent harmfulness of political correctness
- September 20, 2014: Online media is feeding on your tears: In which I publicly shame the rubbish that is new media.
- August 16, 2014: Building business, or why (some) Gypsies are smarter than (most) Romanians: A case study on self-regulating systems.
- August 2, 2014: The Tar Pit: the first year: A quantitative analysis.
- June 8, 2014: Maybe I was wrong about that commenting thing: Re-dissecting the thorny issue of blog comments.
- May 17, 2014: On the difficulty of discussing musical works
- March 22, 2014: 3D printing: what you (probably) haven't considered (yet): A few predictions regarding the future of open hardware.
- February 16, 2014: Passwords versus passphrases: A layman's analysis of XKCD's "Password Strength".
- December 8, 2013: Romania at the end of 2013: an exercise in geopolitics: A piece of synthetic journalism.
- September 22, 2013: Haskell, the Lego of programming: In which I argue the utility of functional programming in education and day-to-day activities.
- September 18, 2013: A change of mentality: Romanian mentality is changing, only not in the way we expect it to.
- August 26, 2013: The Tar Pit: changes [ii]: A review of additional changes made to enhance The Tar Pit's look.
- August 24, 2013: Romania's dumb nationalism: Critique on today's Romanian nationalism.
- August 10, 2013: The Tar Pit: changes: A few changes are made to The Tar Pit's inner plumbing.
- July 27, 2013: The Tar Pit: technicalities: A dive into technical aspects of The Tar Pit.
- July 25, 2013: The Tar Pit: an introduction: Which introduces the reasoning behind the decision to create The Tar Pit.
- July 22, 2013: First post: In which the journey through The Tar Pit begins.