Work plan for M10 2019

0a5 October 4, 2019 -- (tmsr)

The plan last month looked very good on paper, and yet reality went quite differently. Summarizing the CL-WWWism work, I've come to the conclusion that it's wiser to use whatever Republican infrastructure there is than attempt to reinvent the wheel out of arbitrary considerations. And although I'm confident I made the right choice, this doesn't mean I should throw all that previous work down the drain, so...

So as a first step I published all that code I've been studying and/or using for a while: Hunchentoot, some improvements to Feedbot and the scaffolding for this blog; and since code's not everything in this life, there's them photo blogs for the eye to enjoy.

Now the first week of October is almost over after using up a good chunk of my time to document my latest trip, and another good chunk to lay out the plan for this month and write code that I'm to publish in the following weeks. Thus, for M10, I'm committing to the following:

Further, it's not yet entirely clear to me what the rest of M11 will consist of, so I need to review both the big to-do list and the logs to get a better idea of the most pressing problems that I should start working on. There's a shitton of them, so any suggestions regarding priorities are as usual more than welcome.

Finally, this is the last post on this "half-a-blog" thetarpit-lbs platform, I will preserve it somewhere and bid it au revoir -- who knows, maybe not quite adieu? All the following articles will be published on the MP-WP blog, which is funny, given that I wrote this to-be-ex-blog-scaffolding trying to get rid of Wordpress. On the other hand, you'll finally be able to interact directly with these posts through comments etc., so... win!